Last night I hit a new record with 2.5 hours of sleep. I still haven’t processed it, that as of tomorrow night I’ll be living in Beijing. I haven’t felt this nervous in years. I’m still not sure exactly why.
Today a bunch of friends and clients from work are giving a party for me at the new Din Tai Feng (3pm if you’re around). I am now fully realizing just how much I will miss Taipei. What spectacular people, what a great place to live. What an amazing 1.3 years. Well, on to the next adventure. I am excited about it, but also apprehensive, more so than I’d expected. One slow step at a time. Takr a deep breath….
By Other Lisa
And yet he still blogs…
A good night’s sleep will work wonders, Richard. Enjoy Din Tai Fung (you know we have one in LA – really yummy!)!
I was going to try and post some stuff but we had a severe wind storm last night, all night and into the AM – most major one I have ever experienced here – and though my power lasted through the night, it went down at 9 AM and isn’t back yet.
So, um, sorry about that!
January 6, 2007 @ 9:38 am | Comment
By Hunxue'er
Good luck…from soft spoken, generally well behaved Mandarin speakers to…well…phlegm hawkin’ fun in the polluted sun!!
But I shouldn’t speak…I gotta listen to grating Canospeak all the time. Can you say fingernails on chalkboards???
January 6, 2007 @ 2:36 pm | Comment
By Lost Laowai
Not that I need another reason to read the PKD… but I just want to see if those little arrows start going the other way in your header graphic… 😉
Best of luck in Beijing, and welcome back to the Mainland… if the PRC can lure you back, this is sure to give them much hope about the rest of that little island 😉
January 6, 2007 @ 6:31 pm | Comment
By Lost Laowai
Wait, wait, wait… I just realized that’s not a map showing your journey from Beijing to Taipei… that’s going to Singapore… I’m an idiot… (and you’re behind on your dashed line drawing).
January 6, 2007 @ 6:36 pm | Comment
By The Iron Buddha
We’re waiting for ya. Have no fear, Beijing is a perfectly tolerable place to live once you have your medications properly adjusted.
January 6, 2007 @ 6:54 pm | Comment
By Danfried
There’s also a branch of Dintaifung in Beijing, opposite the Yuyang Hotel (渔阳饭店). Ate there with my brother, who’d first tried it in Taiwan.
Very good, but expat prices.
January 6, 2007 @ 9:51 pm | Comment