A great post on a topic that’s of great interest to me: how do Beijing and Shanghai really compare in terms of cost of living and cost of entertaining? Interesting to see the blogger’s arguments, as well as the commenters’. To all my friends who are moving from Beijing to Shanghai, read this post first.
February 26, 2007
The Discussion: 2 Comments
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By Shanghai Slim
Oh, it’s another story quoting prices for laughably expensive luxury houses for senior management on expense accounts. Nothing here of much interest for anyone who doesn’t have a house staff and personal driver.
Reminds me of the Dutch businessman in Shanghai who blogged about being so pleased to pay a very “reasonable” price of 800 rmb for a pizza dinner for two. Who reading that would guess that you can get a good 9″ pepperoni pizza in Shanghai for 10 rmb (Hello Pizza, all over town).
You know what really annoys me about these pieces? Who are these managers living so luxuriously in China?
How many are from the management of American firms that have outsourced operations to China?
Blue collars had to lose their jobs back home because of cost-cutting measures demanded by Wall Street, isn’t that it? And what of the cost-conscious management overlooking the outsourcing? Living in way over-priced luxury expat enclaves and eating in very expensive western restaurants, all on the company tab … and using articles like the one cited used to support their expense accounts. Ugh.
February 28, 2007 @ 2:18 am | Comment
By China Law Blog
@Shanghai Slim —
Thank you for slamming a post you obviously did not even bother to read!
February 28, 2007 @ 3:18 pm | Comment