This will be a first: I am linking to a YouTube video I cannot watch myself (the Cybernanny is on steroids this week), simply because, based on this blogger’s endorsement, I suspect it’s funny. Let me know.
October 30, 2007
The Discussion: 44 Comments
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The title of the film is “Yellow Fever”, created by Wong Fu Productions. You can find and download the original video from their website: HERE
October 30, 2007 @ 10:41 pm | Comment
By Arty
Lies, if you got money, you can get whatever kind of girls you want :).
October 31, 2007 @ 2:08 am | Comment
By richard
Guys, I couldn’t watch the video – as I said in the post, I had no idea what it was. So sorry if it’s an old video. I only saw it this morning after THM provided the non-youtube link.
October 31, 2007 @ 10:31 am | Comment
By Raj
Richard, that is soooo old – are you sure you haven’t seen that one already?
October 31, 2007 @ 3:53 am | Comment
By mor
That’s true. I actually remember seeing that “Yellow Fever” film about a year ago.
October 31, 2007 @ 5:30 am | Comment
By Elijah Minott
That is a complete lie. There is tons of european based women with Asian men all over the place.
Women in college don’t really count as girls. A huge procentle of them is not virgins and the rest are not planing to lose the virginity anytime soon.
About the video I just could not watch that video with the volume on knowing that they would say something that would scramble my brains.
Who wants make children with hook noses and smell like ham….Just kidding.
Honestly they should march up to Bruce Lee’s house and ask his wife that question.
My answer would be that he was cool, I liked his manly body, and he was auwsome, I could be myself around him.
Another thing everybody should do is watch the “Street Fighter” and that part where the “Street Fighter” is working out will answer there question.
The answer is go to the GYM get in shape get your act together and go easter egg hunting.
October 31, 2007 @ 10:13 am | Comment
By ferins
26% of the AA male population is intermarried with whites.
I believe around 40-50% of the AA female population is intermarried with whites.
But a higher percentage of AA males are married or cohabiting after a certain age (96.7% vs. 95.5%).
Probably a lot of war brides.
November 1, 2007 @ 11:20 am | Comment
By nanheyangrouchuan
The problem starts when these guys’ immigrant parents tell them that they will be looked down on from day one in kindergarten. The lie then perpetuates itself and their parents try to make them into little study nerds like they were raised to be (and also try to inflict bad clothing style on them as well). Those asian guys that reject this junk and get into sports and American food get big and hunky and getting white chicks isn’t such a problem anymore.
For those asian guys who want to be filial to their parents, get ready for lonliness.
November 1, 2007 @ 2:55 pm | Comment
By me
actually, asians don’t study that much more than whites or blacks do (10, 8.5, 8 hours a week respectively). but for example, the chinese women in the u.s score 1430 average on the SAT; while it was 1150~ for those professing Jewish or Hindu faith and 1050 for the national average. this is counting the fact that 45-50% of them are recent immigrants with little english ability.
the reason for higher scores, gpa, and educational attainment isn’t because of pressure from parents.
November 2, 2007 @ 6:50 am | Comment
By me
and, most american high school boys are not “big and hunky”. they’re mostly “large and chunky” with a lot of acne.
from what i’ve seen, 1 out of 10,000 men in northern virginia has a decent physique and almost 75% of the time he’s gay. it’s usually dumpy, balding men with an ego like nanhe i see around here.
November 2, 2007 @ 6:54 am | Comment
By otherlisa
Thankfully I live in California, where hunks come in all ethnicities!
November 2, 2007 @ 2:29 pm | Comment
By Best_Secret
Oh Come on,
With time, more and MORE Asians guys will get white girls.
I am seeing this rising phenomenon already in my home town.
November 2, 2007 @ 5:37 pm | Comment
By t_co
LoL Nanhey is full of bullshit as usual.
Not all white girls like guys who drive fast cars and act like musclebound jerks. Being a nerdy Asian guy can give you the following (oft-overlooked but essential) qualities in a male:
sobriety. paying bills on time. nice apartment. DDR skills. devotion to the wife. etc.
One of my former colleagues was the nicest guy ever, helpful, really loyal to his parents too (bought them an apartment in Vancouver, paid for medical costs, etc.)–and ended up marrying a white girl who now writes for the Council on Foreign Relations.
I think the turning point is college and post-college. Sure, Asian guys might lost out when it comes to casual dating, but from a long-term relationship perspective, there are plenty of asian guy white girl relationships.
And by the way, Nanhey, I don’t remember my parents telling me about how much this society was out to get me–and I still studied hard. goes to show what a little positive motivation can do (something he probably didn’t have in his childhood, which is why he’s bitching about it here haha).
November 2, 2007 @ 10:52 pm | Comment
By nanheyangrouchuan
@ me:
“the reason for higher scores, gpa, and educational attainment isn’t because of pressure from parents.”
Oh do tell what the reason is other than hard work motivated by parental pressure.
November 3, 2007 @ 12:10 am | Comment
By me
a desire to do well despite growing up in an anti-intellectual, retard society. similar to indians and jews in america.
November 3, 2007 @ 3:43 am | Comment
By Best_Secret
O bother…
The issue is becoming moot-if not already in many places.
Asian men-White women relationships are becoming more frequent over the recent years. I have seen this at many many places.
November 3, 2007 @ 9:21 am | Comment
By nanheyangrouchuan
“a desire to do well despite growing up in an anti-intellectual, retard society. similar to indians and jews in america.”
So you are saying that asian, indian and jewish kids are naturally harder working than kids who are not from this background? That they don’t need “motivation” from their parents like other kids do? That they aren’t into playing, hanging out, dating, etc?
Why is that so?
November 4, 2007 @ 10:30 am | Comment
By me
No, they get support. The cariacture of the slavemaster parent is exaggerated due to the frail nature of certain people’s race-egos. There’s no ability to simply recognize that they’re better parents and that’s why their children do better at every single thing imaginable; from lifespans to crime rates to GPA.
November 5, 2007 @ 4:38 am | Comment
By nanheyangrouchuan
“Support” can come in many forms, especially when said child’s friends want him/her to come out and play or come to birthday party and the parents “support” their study efforts. The same “support” can extend to eating western food and having friends/romantic relations with kids who are not of the same ethnicity as the parents. I’m closer to the Asian community in the US than you think Arty, don’t try to soft peddle.
November 5, 2007 @ 6:29 am | Comment
By me
considering every single word that drips out of your mouth is either a lie or pure horsecrap, i’m not going to trust your opinion on the “asian community” (asia’s a big place by the way, genius).
i’ve never heard of “asian parents” locking their children up when they want to play or go to parties. but somehow, studying a whole 1.5 hours more per week will mean you have no free time at all! that’s almost 15 minutes more a day, god forbid someone has standards for their children and sleeping around or doing drugs aren’t among their first priorities.
there’s nothing inferior about traditionally raised “asian americans”, sorry. it’s funny how you can do moral grandstanding and spew shit like a ruptured sewage pipe when it comes to being “politically correct” about race, and then in the same thread flat-out claim the traditional sections of asian “american” families are culturally inferior based on hearsey and exaggerated anecdotes.
then again, this is coming from the guy who said africa is less corrupt than china, that phoenicians partook in trans-atlantic navigation and that a high murder rate is because of good aim.
this isn’t arty btw, try again. maybe get a mod to tell you who it is.
November 5, 2007 @ 1:54 pm | Comment
By nanheyangrouchuan
Africa is openly corrupt, China hides its corruption.
Phoenicians were the only civilization that could have brought cocaine to Egypt for advanced mummification and brought the Egyptian pottery to Brazil that now sits at the bottom of more than few harbors. Not a big National Geographic reader are you? Not a big reader in general I imagine.
And sticking kids into language school all afternoon is a great way to lay heavy burdens on kids that just want to be kids. But there is no stopping it, those Asian kids are Americans…hamburgers, pizza and all.
November 5, 2007 @ 2:49 pm | Comment
By me
Africa is openly corrupt, China hides its corruption.
Are you an idiot? They both try to hide their corruption. Only the U.S is the best at this; manipulating the stupid to believe they’re actually benevolent.
Egyptian pottery to Brazil
It was a hoax.
And sticking kids into language school all afternoon
Who are you talking about? This is something people do in the Confucian bloc of Asia. Not America. Spew less bullshit.
hamburgers, pizza
Minus the crime rate, stupidity, and high STD prevalence. That’s what’s so great about “multiculturalism” I guess. They get pizza and you get less murderers and hookers.
November 5, 2007 @ 5:41 pm | Comment
By nanheyangrouchuan
The US doesn’t hide its corruption, everyone knows what’s wrong with our system, take as it is and try to spy on lawmakers and bureaucrats to humiliate and imprison them.
I guess you are not someone who reads, too busy playing video games and hating non-asians. There are also sonar surveys showing boats in the mud with the same dimensions as large Phoenician boats that crossed the Med. And how did cocaine get from ancient Columbia to Egypt 3000 years ago? Air China perhaps?
Asian language schools are ubiquitous across Cali, NYC and Houston. Give me a break. You probably flunked out of one.
The last comment…just ignorance.
I know who you are, a male Chinese student studying in the US. And you obviously don’t get out much. All of those female Chinese students are out with their big American boyfriends of various ethnicities.
November 6, 2007 @ 6:28 am | Comment
By ferins
Yeah that’s why you voted in Bush. Twice. Because you care so much about corru- wait.
There are also sonar surveys showing boats in the mud with the same dimensions as large Phoenician boats
Oh boy, a blob on the display about the same size of a Phoenician boat. Conclusive evidence of transatlantic navigation!
The last comment…just ignorance.
Do you read statistics? I take it you don’t read much at all.
All of those female Chinese students are out with their big American boyfriends of various ethnicities.
If by big you mean fat. Next you’re going to tell me America has no obesity problem. What’s great is that people like you never read the writing on the wall.
60% of Chinese females stick strictly to Chinese men in the U.S for a reason despite Chinese men being only 2% of the male population, btw. Generally, the ones with fat people as you say ar e gold (or green) diggers.
November 6, 2007 @ 9:59 am | Comment
By nanheyangrouchuan
“Oh boy, a blob on the display about the same size of a Phoenician boat. Conclusive evidence of transatlantic navigation!”
And the fact that the Phoenicians invented the sextant. They would not have needed it to sale the Mediterranean, simply hug the shore or simple geometry to follow the sun for direct crossings (most of these were done by island hopping anyway). Alot more evidence than the fake map that supposedly proves Zheng He’s voyage.
And the cocaine in Egyptian mummies? Don’t feel like touching that one do you?
Oh, those big fat blobby Americans. Kinda like the big fat blobby Chinese among the middle and upper classes. I’ve never seen McDs or KFC as packed in the US as they are in China…and on a daily basis. And shopping/DVD watching do not count as exercise.
“60% of Chinese females stick strictly to Chinese men in the U.S for a reason despite Chinese men being only 2% of the male population,”
Got a link for that since you are posting numbers? I’ll bet those 60% are unable to get an American guy (regardless of ethnicity) and I know those 60% don’t include American girls from Chinese parents.
November 6, 2007 @ 2:54 pm | Comment
By me
I’ve never seen McDs or KFC as packed in the US as they are in China…and on a daily basis
Doesn’t matter. Obesity rate statistics by country don’t lie.
I’ll bet those 60% are unable to get an American guy
Rather, they don’t want one. They’d prefer if it their children knew their fathers.
November 6, 2007 @ 3:10 pm | Comment
By me
since you want statistics i’ll find you some that are somewhat related..
Birth defects.
Divorce rates; from the census.
Cancer mortality rates
November 6, 2007 @ 3:49 pm | Comment
By t_co
This thread became the subject of office humor today (I work in Beijing with quite a few Chinese that studied in the U.S.) Keep up the good work, NH.
November 6, 2007 @ 5:36 pm | Comment
By nanheyangrouchuan
“I’ll bet those 60% are unable to get an American guy
Rather, they don’t want one. They’d prefer if it their children knew their fathers”
All Chinese kids know about their Chinese dad is that he smells like bai jiu and goes to a place called KTV alot.
“Doesn’t matter. Obesity rate statistics by country don’t lie.”
That includes China’s obesity rates. The peasants are thin, the office workers are not only pudgy but weak, thus Chinese male office workers have the nickname “spider men”, round in the middle with thin arms and legs.
And what do your links have to do with female preference?
And China and Asia are well on their way to passing the US in cancer rates;
November 6, 2007 @ 11:48 pm | Comment
By me
And China and Asia are well on their way to passing the US in cancer rates;
In your dreams. At this point the rates are only dropping. Studies have shown that Asian American smokers have a lower lung cancer rate than the average American. Those “international organizations” are extremely politically correct and egalitarian. Next they’ll say Asians will get Tay-Sachs and sickle-cell.
There’s also alzheimer’s, color-blindness, obesity rates by “ethnicity”. Want more? I’m sure you do.
Child abuse:
(Select different ethnicities at the left).
10-15% of this is sexual abuse. I guess Chinese women don’t want “big American men” with their hands down their sons’ pants.
Life span?
Maybe they don’t want “big American men” who will die 10-14 years earlier than themselves. However, women from Confucian nations live up to 90+ on average with 20k incomes.
So much for American cultural superiority.
November 7, 2007 @ 5:30 am | Comment
By nanheyangrouchuan
Child abuse:
You need to work on those reading skills, all of those stats are for the US/American population and interestingly blacks and Asians do not have a significant difference in abuse rates. Native Americans are by far the lowest group. But all are American, so what is your point?
Lung cancer, no definitive link between cancer and ethnicity:
So frequency of smoking may have more to do with lung cancer rates, but in China who smokes more?
According to your link, the average time between the death of the American husband and his American wife is 5-6 years and even as the average lifespan of each gender increases, the “death gap” remains roughly the same across ethnic groups.
And again, these ethnic groups are all Americans.
What else you got?
November 7, 2007 @ 11:52 am | Comment
By me
and half of them are recent immigrants; try again.
china’s average lifespan is already longer than that of black americans and white men even though they have 1/10th to 1/3rd the income.
November 7, 2007 @ 1:39 pm | Comment
By me
btw, those stats include southeast asians who have high crime rates and child abuse rates.
November 7, 2007 @ 1:41 pm | Comment
By nanheyangrouchuan
The numbers on the charts you cited discuss and compare groups of “___ Americans”.
So you are indeed touting “Chinese superiority” above Americans of all backgrounds including those of Chinese descent, SE Asian descent and even through in shots at SE Asian immigrants.
All hail the Chinese master race! Hail hail hail! Heil heil heil!
You are just the product of that crappy, backward education system. Now run along to McD’s in your Levis, Nikes and Houston Rockets, enjoy a big Mac and make fun of Americans.
November 8, 2007 @ 1:48 am | Comment
By me
Nope, Chinese people in China and America, as well as Australia, Southeast Asia, Britain, and elsewhere all are somewhat similar; low crime rates, low death rates, high life spans, good performance in school.
The same goes for Japanese and Koreans. Also Mongolians and some Vietnamese.
The statistics don’t lie. Unless you think the FBI, child services and hospitals are “Asian supremacist” (don’t make me laugh, have you ever heard of a thing called “projection”?) organizations then I don’t know what to tell you.
It’s a simple fact that the native “Southeast Asians” (a very genetically diverse geographic area) commit roughly the same amount of crimes per capita as “Latinos” (same).
Let me guess, all these statistics by police and colleges are just a Zionist conspiracy against the Holy American Race.. er, Culture.
November 8, 2007 @ 9:58 am | Comment
By me
By the way, I was educated in America and I don’t wear anything that costs more than it’s worth. So forget Levis, Abercrombie and Nike.
But I will occasionally eat a sandwich from McDonald’s! Once every two months?
November 8, 2007 @ 10:00 am | Comment
By nanheyangrouchuan
“Nope, Chinese people in China and America, as well as Australia, Southeast Asia, Britain, and elsewhere all are somewhat similar; low crime rates, low death rates, high life spans, good performance in school.”
What a crock of crap to derive from US surveys. The survey doesn’t mention separating immigrants from native born Americans. And Aboriginal Americans have much lower rates than any group.
And other than skin color, there is little in common between Americans of Asian ancestry and native born Asians.
And I love your characterization of Latinos and SE Asians, shows your inner character.
So you can’t afford Nike, Ambercrombie and Levis, sounds like your western degree paid off.
And you can’t steer the topic away, dude. Asian guys can get white girls but those Asian guys aren’t scrawny and whiny, they are masculine, open minded and cool. You’re anger at this simple fact paints a good picture of who you are and aren’t.
Typical product of Chinese education and society.
November 8, 2007 @ 2:11 pm | Comment
By me
hahaha, more flatulence and arrogance from nanhe. by now if you were intelligent you would have figured out who i was simply by the way i type.
other than skin color
oh really now? so there’s no remnants of different cultures present in 2nd, 3rd, etc gen. American born people of ‘x’ descent? Wow, kinda defeats the purpose of “multi”-culturalism. Unless you’re flat-out admitting that America is totally assimilationist and that multiculturalism and multiracalism are lies.
And I love your characterization of Latinos and SE Asians, shows your inner character.
That they, on average, have higher crime rates on a per capita basis? Yes, it shows my inner character, I’m a realist. This doesn’t conflict with the most important facts; most people are decent people and everyone should be judged as an individual first and foremost. But you came in here, and with your typical ineptitude, proceeded to make statements suggesting the cultural inferiority of a large demographic group (traditionally raised Asian Americans).
So lets see, you said that a) “Asian food” is “inferior”; it breeds short wimps b) “Asian parents” are sadistic c) “Asian” education is poor d) “Asian parents” raise their children with an inferiority complex.
Glad we got that out of the way. I didn’t expect you to mangle history and cite hoaxes, but that just added to the entertainment value.
So you can’t afford Nike, Ambercrombie and Levis, sounds like your western degree paid off.
But I can afford to pay off an apartment and house before age 20, so I guess I don’t have it too bad even if I don’t get any gratification from name brand garbage like Louis Vuitton or Nike or whatever else spoiled, stupid brats are spending their life savings on. Newsflash, I didn’t “come here” for a “better life”. I was born and raised here; partially. I spent several years of my life overseas as well.
But I’m glad to establish the widespread contempt for the poor and especially developing nations that Americans have.
Typical product of Chinese education and society.
Rationality vs. hubris and arrogance? I’d take it, luckily I haven’t been infected by the retard factories called American public education.
November 8, 2007 @ 5:28 pm | Comment
By nanheyangrouchuan
“by now if you were intelligent you would have figured out who i was simply by the way i type”
Your english is scattershot and I really don’t care who you are.
“oh really now? so there’s no remnants of different cultures present in 2nd, 3rd, etc gen. American born people of ‘x’ descent?”
Not much, even by the second generation. And speaking the parents’ language doesn’t count because the 2nd gen kids will speak the native tongue but with American, UK, Oz thought patterns.
“That they, on average, have higher crime rates on a per capita basis? Yes, it shows my inner character, I’m a realist.”
Or a racist looking to debase all other ethnic groups in the US, ethnic groups that have found their niche and blended in much better.
“But you came in here, and with your typical ineptitude, proceeded to make statements suggesting the cultural inferiority of a large demographic group (traditionally raised Asian Americans).”
What is the more likely explanation as to why Asian guys can’t get white girls? That the white girls look down on Asian guys (what Asian guys would like to believe, what their parents tell them and what evil despot governments like the CCP preach) or that specific types of Asian guys are unappealing? Ask an Asian girl who dates non-Asian guys and they’ll tell you that there is a certain “masculinity” that is lacking in less desirable Asian guys. Skinny, shy, book worm white kids don’t do any better getting girls, but then they graduate, get a good job, hit the gym.
Look at the Asian guys who do get white girls and they fit the typical profile of guys who get girls…fit, outgoing, well dressed (regardless of income) and not moping around about how they are looked down upon.
“a) “Asian food” is “inferior”; it breeds short wimps b) “Asian parents” are sadistic c) “Asian” education is poor d) “Asian parents” raise their children with an inferiority complex.”
(a) Asian food is very low in calories compared to western food and take a look at the average end result. Feed a baby a low calorie diet or a high calorie diet, which will produce a bigger baby?
(b) I’d like to see how you arrived at that conclusion, let’s see some quotes. (c ) I know of that through both first and second hand information, the Asian parents were often also raised to believe these things too.
“But I can afford to pay off an apartment and house before age 20”
I’m calling BS here. Your parents and grandparents did that for you, not you.
“But I’m glad to establish the widespread contempt for the poor and especially developing nations that Americans have.”
Like the contempt that Chinese have for American blacks, Africans, Latinos and SE Asians?
There is nothing rational about you.
Basically I can sum up your life: You grew up a short, skinny Asian guy with a complex that was drilled into you by your parents and self-reinforced at school, went to college and studied, played video games, jerked off and made fun of all of the “stupid” whites, blacks and Latinos who were out having fun (with girls, including girls from immigrant Chinese families you knew…couldn’t you just hear them getting nailed at 3 am while you played video games?).
After graduation, you ended up in China through family and friends of family and now earn a decent but not stellar salary (let me guess, about 400,000 RMB/year?) and still get ignored by Asian girls from western countries, so you are dating a local girl…cracking jokes at the foreign men that she is thinking about hooking up with.
November 9, 2007 @ 1:04 am | Comment
By me
Or a racist looking to debase all other ethnic groups in the US, ethnic groups that have found their niche and blended in much better.
So you’re saying the FBI is a racist organization? Nice try. My english is better than yours, by the way.
why Asian guys can’t get white girls?
27% of them are married to white women, which is something I disapprove of but it’s none of my business.
the Asian guys who do get white girls and they fit the typical profile of guys who get girls…fit, outgoing, well dressed
Not the ones I’ve seen, no. They just seem like average guys. Except not fat and/or stupid, like almost all Americans are.
Asian food is very low in calories
lol, “Asian food”. Asia is a big place, genius.
I’m calling BS here. Your parents and grandparents did that for you, not you.
Nope. I started making money when I was 14 and got the most out of the housing boom.
Like the contempt that Chinese have for American blacks, Africans, Latinos and SE Asians?
Well, it’s the SE Asians that have racial pogroms and American blacks that constantly use violence against Chinese in America. The thing I have a problem with is the special treatment whites get in China. Once other people stop their “racism” against Chinese maybe people in China will stop treating them badly.
Basically I can sum up your life
Nope, I’m still 20. And still making more money than you.
November 9, 2007 @ 3:13 am | Comment
By nanheyangrouchuan
When did the FBI get involved with this?
You are just full of lies “me”, the fact that you have so much animosity towards so many ethnic groups, bitter about what kinds of Asian guys get white girls (and the fact that you admit disapproval) and you have to live in China for a living shows what fraud you are. Then you’ll start telling stories about the hot white excutive chicks who all want to date you, or the Chinese officials you know, or some other drivel.
Lies and darned lies.
November 9, 2007 @ 10:46 am | Comment
By me
the crime rate statistics i’m mentioning are based on incarceration rates as reported by the FBI and state penitentiaries. another thing is that anti-death penality groups report a difference in executions per capita between various groups.
but sure, pull the race card because all of your arguments are garbage and you’ve been shown once again to be a fool.
i have no animosity towards “other groups” (chinese people are not genetically homogenous; north chinese and tibetans are more similar than north chinese and south chinese), i just don’t believe in being a spineless sellout.
a “typical chinese” in your mind would hate japanese people and taiwanese people, and i don’t.
November 9, 2007 @ 12:21 pm | Comment
By me
similarly, men commit 9x more violent crimes than women. is that sexist?
November 9, 2007 @ 12:21 pm | Comment
By nanheyangrouchuan
Nice to know that those statistics are available in the US, unlike China.
Who is pulling the race card about how bad all of the non-Chinese are? If everyone else is so bad off, why is China in such a shit hole and why are so many Chinese coming to the US?
“i just don’t believe in being a spineless sellout.”
You mean like marrying outside of an ethnic group, or acting “non-ethnic”? But that’s not “racism” that’s just being “traditional”. No cop-out available, a bigot is a bigot, and its no wonder you went to China, a bigot is a lonely person in the US.
Some Mexicans or some Vietnamese must’ve whipped your butt good.
“similarly, men commit 9x more violent crimes than women. is that sexist?”
So are you going to go on a rant about how bad men are? You would either be a transgender or an angry woman American bigot who fled to China with his-ers fortune of monopoly money.
November 9, 2007 @ 12:29 pm | Comment