If so, you may want to read this to remember what life can be like out there in “the other China.” Devastating. And those pictures…
That said, the response of the local population and the attention this has received in the media are truly encouraging.
By ecodelta
Very sad indeed. Hope their ordeal is now ended.
It is a good thing when a community does not try to hide this kind of things. It is encouraging to see how the people answered.
In some other places or in some other time in the past these things were keep hidden just to “save face”. Making a bad thing even worst.
Hey! There is good people in China, maybe even some of them belong to the CCP too 😉
November 28, 2007 @ 3:25 pm | Comment
By canrun
Well, I said I wouldn’t be back, but for this I’ll make an exception (hey…if Ivan can do it…)
My wife is from Liuzhou and was visiting family when this story broke. She told me the outpouring of help was overwhelming. And…@Eco…you are right. Her sister and brother-in-law are both members of the “glorious’ CCP and they actually helped spearhead the effort to get this girl the help that she so rightfully deserves. Gives me the briefest glimmer of hope for the future here.
November 28, 2007 @ 7:04 pm | Comment
By richard
At the end of the day, the party members are people, too. A lot them are dicks. A lot of them care deeply about their people and are doing the best they can for them. A good friend of mine – a fellow blogger and one who slams the party as often as I do – is married to a party member who is a brilliant and cool person. A pity they have to be part of an inherently corrupt and self-serving system. But that doesn’t mean they’re all bad. Think of Gorbachev, a member of the evil Soviet communist party. Lots of others, too. (And yes, I know, lots of Li Peng types as well.) We all need to be careful about painting with too broad a brush, whether we’re Chinese people shrieking about the Japanese or Westerners complaining about the excesses of China’s One and Only Party.
November 28, 2007 @ 7:20 pm | Comment
By mor
Couldn’t agree more with you, Richard. Even among the Nazis there were individuals who actually saved lives. I know a few CCP members who are as critical of their party as anybody could be. There are a lot of great people in China and some of them even are party members. As you have pointed out before, they are the reason that there is still hope for China. I’m sure there are people with courage and common sense within the Chinese Communist Party and I hope they will eventually manage to get into the position to really reform the Middle Kingdom.
November 29, 2007 @ 12:36 am | Comment
By nanheyangrouchuan
Well, this may sound like a warped positive spin, but her “caretaker” was very mentally ill and the report mentions nothing about her suffering the other types of abuse commonly seen when kids are found in these situations.
November 29, 2007 @ 1:46 am | Comment
By Hkonger
“At the end of the day, the party members are people, too. A lot them are dicks. A lot of them care deeply about their people and are doing the best they can for them.”
Albert Einstein said,”The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”
Ironically, Einstein’s greatest regret in his life was doing “the right thing” (what was he to do?) by writing to President FDR warning him of the threat of Nazi’s imminent success with their A-bomb project, which in turn expedited the Mahanttan Project resulting in the incineration of approximately 200,000 ill fated Japanese folks of Hiroshima & Nagasaki after the Nazi had surrendered.
In contrast the GW Bush & T.Blair Corp is responsible for the annihilation of over 1,000,000 souls in the ME.
But I digress.
YES, “It is a good thing when a community does not try to hide this kind of things. It is encouraging to see how the people answered.”
November 30, 2007 @ 10:52 am | Comment
By snow
I dont like the mentality of feeling like we have to find the good in the CCP. whats up with that? Why dont we all do our research and find out their crimes? ANd why do we feel tat they are the only ones allowed to run China? Why cant people make a change and get some good way there instead of always hoping the CCP will turn out good. They suck, whether there are a few good people who are also members is beside the point. And they might seem good but if the party makes orders the members are trained to follow blindly, so that means a perfectly morla person can commit atrocities and crimes against humanity and sell out humanity because they are brainwashed and terrorized, the people have no choice, no freedom of thought, isnt that enough to get rid of that party? Of course it is.
November 30, 2007 @ 3:42 pm | Comment
By richard
Well, snow, they seem to at least be getting better, for what it’s worth. What would you put in their place? They’ve stacked the deck, and unfortunately there is a huge power vacuum. Tough call.
if the party makes orders the members are trained to follow blindly, so that means a perfectly morla person can commit atrocities and crimes against humanity
What are you referring to? Abu Ghraib?
November 30, 2007 @ 4:29 pm | Comment
By youguys
After four years of war, American Marines and soldiers have become socialized to atrocity. The war in Iraq is now primarily about murder. There is very little killing.
War is the pornography of violence, a dark beauty, filled with the monstrous and the grotesque…just like Afghanistan, we stand to suffer zero U.S. casualties (except for those we seem to kill ourselves), and we just bomb and bomb and kill and kill and shrug and make Hollywood movies and shrug and kill and bomb and bomb and bomb…
The reality behind the myth, however, is very different. The reality and the ideal clash when soldiers and Marines return home to a world that still dines out on the myth of war and the virtues of the nation. But slowly returning veterans are giving us a new narrative of the war — one that exposes the vast enterprise of industrial slaughter unleashed in Iraq for a lie and sustained because of wounded national pride and willful ignorance.
“A lot of guys really supported that whole concept that, you know, if they don’t speak English and they have darker skin, they’re not as human as us, so we can do what we want,” said Josh Middleton, who served in the 82nd Airborne in Iraq. …and 40-year-old Iraqi men look at us kids in US soldiers uniform with fear and we can do what we want,” — do you know what I mean? — we have this power —-That’s really liberating.
November 30, 2007 @ 7:11 pm | Comment
By canrun
@ youguys:
What in the wide, wide world of sports does that have to do with an imprisoned girl in Liuzhou or the state of the CCP membership base?
November 30, 2007 @ 7:41 pm | Comment
By youguys
You are right, absolutely nothing. Merely responding to:
“if the party makes orders the members are trained to follow blindly, so that means a perfectly moral person can commit atrocities and crimes against humanity”
What are you referring to? Abu Ghraib?
November 30, 2007 @ 9:07 pm | Comment
By chinesepeople
What does a tragedy of an imprisoned girl got to do with CCP — other then some good hearted CCP members & Chinese people helping her?
Were you really surprised that “They actually help spearheaded…”? You patronizing westerner.
It’s like some Asian white wannabes I knew who used to challenge me on the veracity of reports I’d read to them of US atrocities in Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Philippines, Indonesia, …hell, all over the world…even domestically. Some of them even felt sorry for the cops who beat up Rodney King! (Farking unbelieveable!)
Last year someone said to me, Dubya Bush is really a good guy inside. No church going repenting person could be all bad…Huh? Um, remember child molesting priests perhaps? Dah…
The year before last, man, did I have a frustrating time dealing with Bushites working in China. Now? No one dares to say,”I support George Bush..”
What’d give me the “briefest glimmer of hope for the future” in this world & the human species is for American imperialism & Zionism to disappear(Not in our lifetime though, unfortunately).
I dont like the mentality of feeling like we have to find the good in the CCP. whats up with that?
“Every family has its own kind of hell.” In other words, mind your own farking business & put your homes in order first. Take care of your own family business; stop your own government from wrecking other people’s homes.
December 1, 2007 @ 7:26 am | Comment
By canrun
Jeez, no wonder I stopped posting here. At least Fat Cat and Lisa were voices of reason. Oh, well…I guess I’ll go back to patronize the locals somewhere else. Thanks for your insight, Chinesepeople.
December 1, 2007 @ 7:59 am | Comment
By chinesepeople
I agree that Lisa IS reasonable
“Oh, well…I guess I’ll go back to patronize the locals somewhere else. ”
Yea right, sure, of course you’ll do that. Make sure you pick on easy targets…
December 1, 2007 @ 8:27 am | Comment
By Irish Blogger
This is a horrible thing that has happened to this young lady and personally I am glad that it came to peoples attention, thus providing a forum for people to discuss and uncover attrosities such as this…not just in China, but worldwide, because there are horrible things happening like this worldwide. Irish Blogger – http://www.stpatricksday.com
December 2, 2007 @ 3:23 am | Comment
By hkonger
I read this in a blog this morning and thought of the poor chinese girl of this article. It really gave me the blues but Phil Collins’ “Another day in Paradise” of all songs came to mind…
“Amber died yesterday. She won’t have an article about her in the paper or her face pasted on the evening news. Her family might not even know about her passing for awhile. I want to remember her today, she was 22, had cancer and was living on the streets. She couldn’t get good medical care…trust me, if you are homeless the “system” doesn’t care and there was no one to pick up the tab for her to get the treatment she needed. Portland, USA”
December 2, 2007 @ 7:14 am | Comment
By nanheyangrouchuan
Don’t forget, the little Chinese girl has to hope for donations from the community (itself not very affluent) because neither the hospital nor local gov’t is willing to foot the bill.
Want some hot sauce with your foot?
December 2, 2007 @ 7:59 am | Comment
By hkonger
@nanheyangrouchuan ,
Go back and read Canrun: “My wife is from Liuzhou …She told me the outpouring of help was overwhelming.”
“because there are horrible things happening like this worldwide. Irish Blogger – http://www.stpatricksday.com”
No thanks. nanheyangrouchuan, save your hot sauce for your hoof, skewered mutton.
December 2, 2007 @ 8:11 am | Comment
By Liuzhou Laowai
“because neither the hospital nor local gov’t is willing to foot the bill.”
Where did you get this wonderful insight?
In fact, the local government are paying and the hospital have made provisions, too.
December 2, 2007 @ 1:24 pm | Comment