I see that the Shanghaiist has linked to the youtube edition of a “documentary” on the Rape of Nanking, one of the most evil and depraved aberrations of the 20th Century. It happened, it was unforgivable and if my own family had been one of the victims, it would be a source of outrage my entire life, as the Holocaust is to me today.
This video, however, is nothing but a piece of embarrassingly obvious propaganda that, with the very first voiceover, betrays its agenda and prejudices. It is designed to incite a desired reaction, which of course it does – go the the comments to feel some of the love:
Gooddevil123 (21 hours ago)
apanese soldiers tear out the eyes of children, gang-rape women then set them on fire, bury people alive or use them for bayonet practice…beheading women, children, old men….and torturing people for fun…and then laughing hysterically as victims, who have been set on fire, run screaming through the night…
stsbchu (22 hours ago)
no jab has common sense so there is no commonsense in japan i knpw the reason japs are not human beings yes thier forfathers are devils you chinese guys plz dont expect for japs to be human beings
Plenty more where those came from. And yes, this is the same cynical video that created a bit of a firestorm here a few months ago. Before the usual suspects whine that I don’t understand China and hate them and don’t know how bad the Japanese were, read through the earlier thread. I know, I sympathize, I reject the revisionists in Japan who would rewrite the awful story, and I have read Iris Chang’s book. I know. I also hate propaganda and the manipulation of the masses with images and slogans designed to appeal to man’s basest instincts, and attempts to titillate and incite with a never-ending stream of graphic photos of dismembered women and children, clearly attempting to fan the flames so the hatred burns as intensely now as 60+ years ago. Tell the story of the Rape of Nanking and the Holocaust and show us the photos. Show us the videos of the innocents beheaded in Iraq. But do it in a manner that educates and informs, as opposed to titillating with vulgarity and lewdness.
One more link Shanghaiist provides takes us to another interesting look at the Nanjing Massacre that I think comes to a reasonable conclusion: both sides have shown a lot of irrationality and willingness to obfuscate when it comes to this topic, knowing they can appeal to people’s emotional rather than critical faculties and thus steer them in the desired direction. The video on youtube is a glowing example.
No reasonable discussion is possible, of course, because like abortion and Taiwan and Social Security this is a third-rail topic that turns normally sane people into shrieking, whining, bursting-with-outrage automatons basking in the full glory of victimhood, which is exactly where the CCP has traditionally wanted them to be, focused on Japan’s evil of 60+ years ago as opposed to its own more recent transgressions. That post from Japundit above may indicate the CCP is getting more mature about this – I hope so. But God knows they’ve used the victim card for years to keep many of its people foaming at the mouth and incapable of reason, which is just what any good dictator strives for – get the people to hate someone else with such intense blind rage they can’t see what’s happening right in front of their faces.
Bush is the master of this technique, as Muslims around the world are painfully aware. Check out some of the nutter sites like Hot Air and Michelle and LGF – there are some fascinating parallels with the youtube comments. Blind rage against the perceived enemy, and an automatic reaction to anyone who questions it: simply questioning Bush makes you one of the enemy. Simply questioning the rationale behind the bustling exploitation of the Nanjing Massacre for political gain make you as bad as the Japanese perpetrators.