Is it just my crappy Internet connection, or is Guinness Book of World Records website blocked in China? I get by with a proxy, but I’d like to know if this is true for others.
Why block Guinness World Records?
Is it just my crappy Internet connection, or is Guinness Book of World Records website blocked in China? I get by with a proxy, but I’d like to know if this is true for others.
Why block Guinness World Records?
Damn, I wish I could be back in the US to see this. There’s a lot of good browsing to be had over at that link. Go there now.
Thanks to the reader for the tip, and thanks to PBS for continuing to do great things even as the current administration tries to choke it off.
The story of the Chinese news reporter beaten to death while investigating China’s famously lethal coal mines is showing all the signs of a classic cover-up with Chinese characteristics (check out the charges that he was “a fake reporter”). You can read about the cover-up here, and about the background of the story here. I don’t always agree with ESWN, but there’s no question he’s an invaluable resource. That first link above is an absolute must-read, an angry and ironic and merciless denunciation of the government’s cover-up process. I can’t thank ESWN enough for this translation. And huge thanks to Southern Daily for once again living up to their well-earned reputation.
I hope this story gains traction. We are talking about a news reporter murdered for investigating a scandal, the kind of crime no serious government can tolerate without a serious investigation and search for justice. Luckily the story is already seeping into the international media.
Communist Party censors strictly control the Chinese press, but even state-controlled media have seized on Lan’s death, raising questions about local officials’ conduct, Lan’s motives, and the rights of the country’s beleaguered reporters.
“For a reporter to be beaten to death is undoubtedly a major event in a world that venerates democracy and freedom of information,” said a comment on the Web site of the Southern Daily (
“Any country that even slightly values citizens’ right to know and freedom of the press would actively and appropriately investigate and deal with this case.”
Shanxi officials have said Lan was not an accredited reporter – he was just two weeks into a trial period with the paper – and suggested that he might have been seeking to extort payoffs in return for not reporting problems at the mine, the China Youth Daily reported.
Right; it was the bad unaccredited fake reporter who was there doing all the bad things, and he kind of got what was coming to him. Again, you have to read the first link above. Here’s an excerpt, then I’ll let it go; I promised not to post tonight but it’s not easy to stop. Worse than cigarettes.
[T]he most urgent task was to deny the identify of the deceased. This will minimize public attention while diverting attention from the safety issue at coal mines. When the incident loses its news value, its impact will be smaller and the superiors are less likely to interview. So the relevant Datong city departments kept emphasizing that this was just a ‘fight’ and an ordinary crime. They insisted that the deceased was not a reporter, because the conditions of the relevant regulations about reporters have not been met, etc. Thus, Lan Chengchang died at the hands of thugs, but the principal reason was that the local news environment was disorderly and the reporters were a mixed lot. As to why the local news environment is disorderly and why there are so many fake reporters, the relevant departments will probably dodge the answer. After a few more evasions, the potentially key question of supervising mine safety will probably disappear. Furthermore, it is possible to clamp down on the various news media so that there will be fewer worries in the future. At this point, I have to say, “Brilliant! That is really brilliant!”
Yes, brilliant. This lacerating cry of rage is ingenious, a spoof of a diabolical blueprint, a spreadsheet for how to be evil. Paid for with your tax dollars. But remember, it’s no spoof – whoever carried it out really did think along these lines. Government of the people, by the people and for the people…
I’ll let you all know if there are any strange knocks on my hotel room door in the middle of the night.
Update: Let me add one amendment to this story. I am not blaming the central party directly for this sort of atrocity (so please don’t knock on my door). It has little control over these local situations. But that doesn’t let it off the hook altogether. It’s the patronage system, intrinsic to the party’s survival, that makes cracking down on such outrages nearly impossible. A real pity. If they could achieve, Lee Kuan Yew-style, this one thing – the implementation of a meaningful system of enforced rule of law – I might (with lots of caveats) become a champion of the party. Of course, if Chinese men all stopped smoking….
Remember how dazed and crazed everybody was over bird flu not so long ago – all that talk about the next global pandemic and tens of millions dying? It was so captivating, allowing us to fully indulge in our perennial quest for extreme sensations. All those experts were lined up saying we were long overdue and that this looked like the real thing. And then…radio silence.
I won’t predict that the experts were correct. But I will predict we are about to be hit by another, even more overwhelming avalanche of bird flu news, prophesying and hand-wringing. And I also predict China will be at the center of the maelstrom, though certainly not alone – Indonesia will continue to hold center stage for the foreseeable future.
This isn’t based on fancy or whim, nor is it based on science. I just tend to watch the media and the blogs and listen to lots of sources, and I’m sensing a renewed concern over the disease, this time with a bit more panic added to the mix. Today’s news from Japan reminds us the virus is alive and well and loves to travel, and Indonesia’ s had four new bird flu deaths in the past two weeks alone. I attended a presentation by a renowned journalist and author specializing in China last weekend, who said bird flu is one of the CCP’s biggest concerns, because if anything could threaten the nation’s [veneer of] harmony and stability it’s a devastating pandemic that would make SARS look like an irritating skin rash. Suddenly, bird flu is back on people’s minds.
And to clarify, since I always seem to get misquoted: I’m not saying we are necessarily on the cusp of a pandemic. I’m saying that the hysteria (which may well be warranted) we all thought was over is about to be revived and the decibel level increased. Bird flu is coming back as a dominating issue.
This is now the third time in seven years this has happened to me. In a nutshell:
1. The guests in the hotel room across the hall from my own turn their television on full-blast.
2. They then open the door all the way so everyone on the floor can hear their TV at maximum volume.
3. They then carry on a conversation, shouting at one another so they can hear themselves over the blaring TV set.
This goes on forever – or at least until I stick my head out the door and scream in Chinese that they should shut their door and their mouths. After I did this, they did as I requested and were much quieter.
The fact that I’ve now seen the same thing three times tells me this may be more than a coincidence. Maybe it’s a feng shui technique to drive bad spirits from the hotel room? Or maybe it’s just something Chinese people like to do when they’re at a hotel? Or…?
I’ve experienced this twice on the Mainland and once in Hong Kong. In the latter case, I presume it was Hong Kongers making the noise, as they were doing their shrieking in Cantonese.
It’s funny to write about it, but it’s not so funny while it’s happening.
I know, I know – I’ve been delinquent for a month, failing to meet the criteria I set up for this site a long time ago: lots of posts every day, each one wittier and more insightful than the last. And to make the situation even more shameful, I haven’t said a word about the most dramatic event of my life in years, my move back to Beijing.
I’ve now been here an entire week, but four days were spent from dawn through dinnertime with my new client; I had my phone turned off and saw no email the entire time. And this state of affairs is likely to continue. My new job is unlike any I’ve had before, and I simply cannot get distracted by extraneous compulsions, like blogging, eating and sleeping. I will try to set aside an hour every day to put something up, but those days of ten new posts in a single day are over for now. That demanded copious amounts of time surfing for news, not to mention then coming up with something special to say about it. All those links on my blogroll – I haven’t clicked a single one in a week. For the next 18 – 24 months, my life is going to be like this. I’m not complaining; it’s the opportunity of my life and I still can’t quite fathom how it came to me. But it calls for a new lifestyle, a new discipline. I have no choice.
About Beijing…. Despite the crisp temperature and usual aggravations (mainly the agonizingly slooooow Internet) , I am loving it. When I lived here during SARS I had no one, no friends to speak of, no one to ask questions to or hang out with. In terms of relationships, this blog is a miracle worker. I now have so many friends here and in Shanghai, so many offers of help that I’m really overwhelmed. I spent this morning at an event a reader invited me to; that reader and others are helping me find an apartment. Instead of drifting in the freezing wind, I feel I’m part of a community, and that makes all the difference.
Beijing never looked so good. I know it’s cloying to repeat the hackneyed phrase that “China is changing,” and yet there’s no way to avoid it, not when the change is this radical. Beijing has become, in many ways, a sophisticated urban center with many of the amenities – and freedoms – you’d expect in New York or Amsterdam. At the same time, the people of Beijing, who kind of scared me a few years ago, seem infectiously nice. I don’t know if this reflects their maturity or my own, and I admit I’m mystified by it. I had so many ugly experiences in 2002 with nasty cursing taxi drivers and people who tried to rip me off. This time, it’s been a wholly different experience; I feel that I’m not in the same Beijing. Of course, I’ve only been here seven days, four of which were spent walled off in a conference room at the city outskirts. But still, I’m seeing tangible, dramatic examples of transformation everywhere I look. Needless to say, I’ve still had a number of “only in China” experiences, but this time they’re making me laugh, not cry.
So I’m loving Beijing and feel that somehow fate brought me back here, as though it knew I had unfinished business here. Three things prejudiced me when I was here last: a record cold winter, being all alone and SARS. I think it was the aloneness that hurt the most; even if (when) the temperature plunges, and even if bird flu arises as the next SARS, having friends will make it all small stuff.
Meanwhile, I won’t be able to be here responding to comments all the time and replying quickly to emails as in the past. I think the site will survive: It’s morphed into more of a forum than a blog and I hope fewer posts won’t kill it off. As usual, as the number of posts drops, site traffic has disintegrated in recent weeks, but I simply can’t worry about it. I’ll probably never stop blogging, but it’s got to take a lower place on my list of priorities. Thanks for sticking around and for bearing with me. And let me repeat: I’m loving Beijing and am so glad i came back.
image courtesy of The On Notice Generator and Baby Bear Colbert
Evolution: Scientists recently found a skull that is the first fossil evidence of the Out of Africa theory. I’m warning you, “scientists”, don’t go messing with the multiregional hypothesis. You might as well call the Yellow Emperor a monkey.
Monolinguists: dementia will set in earlier for you, according to a Canadian study. So that explains why all those poor English students stare off into space…
Flash Gordon: The Scifi Channel is bringing back Flash (AAAAAAAH! Savior of the Universe!) Gordon in a new TV series. No word on whether Sammo Hung or Chow Yun Fat will play Ming the Merciless of Mongolia – I mean Mongo. Hey, while we’re at it, can we see Fu Manchu as the new host of “The Apprentice”? Being invested with “all the cruel cunning of the entire Eastern race”, he’d almost be as insidious as the Donald.
Giant Mutant Rabbits: North Korea says “sanctions, schmanctions” – we’re gonna dine on giant East German rabbits! Apparently somebody in China is interested too, which leads to the question: are there good Chinese recipes for rabbit?
Water: Virtual China pointed out Baidu’s list of Top Ten Why, How, What and Should Questions for 2006. #3 “Why” was “Why do we need to drink water?” Yeah, why do we need to drink water? What’s up with that? Wouldn’t you rather have some milk tea?
Fast Changing Society: China Daily shows us a survey of teenage sex habits in Beijing. Average age for losing your virginity was 15 years old and 40% didn’t use contraceptives their first time. Researchers “can only conclude that it is a result of a fast changing society”. Way to pin it down, guys. Society, we’re watching you. Slow down, or you’ll be “Dead to Me”.
Ugly People: and anyone who is short, married, female, and guys named Meng. 85% of 3,424 respondents in 10 urban Chinese cities claimed they were discriminated against when applying for jobs. Hey, it’s not employers fault that all Beijing people are lazy.
Sexy Milk Tea: No wonder all those teenagers are getting it on like giant mutant rabbits. They’re drinking naughty milk tea that goes against “social morality”!
So, President Bush proposes to not only “surge” in Iraq but expand the war to Iran and Syria.
Because, you know, things have gone so well so far.
The staggering hubris and stupidity of this “plan” are difficult for me to put into words. Here’s a Los Angeles Times article that provides a little perspective on how this is going over in the region (though the title, “Mideast shaking its head” seems a bit of an understatement. “Shaking its head”?!).
Keith Olbermann has a few words as well. If you can’t access youtube, try this crooksandliars link.
A few other words do occur to me, words from John Kerry, who was not always as verbally obtuse as he is now. You’ve probably heard them before.
“How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?”
We had to burn the village, etc.
THIRD UPDATE, MOVED TO TOP: It’s been two weeks and a half since the quake, and there are reports that the Internet is still screwed up. Here in Fujian, access has become semi-normal – quick enough that I can blog here and surf without much trouble, though I haven’t attempted to download or upload anything bigger than a meg or two. What’s your status in your neck of the woods?
Reporting in so far:
Quanzhou: Meh, ok.
Shanghai: Ditto/suck.
Bangkok: so-so.
Beijing: Ack.
Beijing Wireless: Wheeee!
Nanning: E-Mule OKish, Google bearable, Hotmail slow, Yahoo slower, Rapidshare kaput.
Southern Sichuan: atrocious
Tianjin: Yahoo Mail crawling, iTunes soooo slow,
Nanjing: 50-75% normal (normal being “bottom of the barrel” ADSL)
Korla, Xinjiang: Crap.
I recently found another article that I wish had been given to me as a must-read when starting to learn Chinese. I’ve regretted that no one told me to read at least the first chapter of John DeFrancis’ The Chinese Language: Fact and Fantasy at the outset. Similarly, I laughed ’til I cried when I read David Mosers’ Why Chinese is So Damn Hard. But there’s certainly some Chinese texts that ought to be handed out in translation the first day of class, such as Lu Xun’s “On the Swear, ‘Your Mother'” (论“他妈的ï¼â€), translated here at From a Singaporean Angle. Anyone who can quote Zhuangzi when remarking on the “richness and subtlety of the national swear” being “limitless like the Milky Way” gets major points from me. Or remarking that the Japanese translation of the Russian equivalent for “your mother” (“your mother is my bitch”) is “just too obscure–in my estimation.” Pure gold. This is core curriculum material, ladies and gentlemen.
Note: apparently two bits are not translated, one because Huichieh isn’t certain how to best go about it.