January 12, 2009
The Discussion: 37 Comments
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A peculiar hybrid of personal journal, dilettantish punditry, pseudo-philosophy and much more, from an Accidental Expat who has made his way from Hong Kong to Beijing to Taipei and finally back to Beijing for reasons that are still not entirely clear to him…
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By Richard
That is one creepy article. And quite beyond belief.
Just a few days ago I had a conversation with the author of this post about “bat-shit crazy” movements that somehow gain momentum and even become mainstream. This is a good example.
January 12, 2009 @ 9:01 am | Comment
By Think Ming!
I couldn’t see a whole lot of substance in it though.
Not saying it isn’t true, but there was just no content in the article.
January 12, 2009 @ 11:22 am | Comment
By Kellen
i admit the revelation that hardcore racists are totally ignorant of all the things they really should be quite aware of isn’t really earth shattering news. the same could be said of those i know in china who resent me for my part in ruing the fun during (insert any historical event to which i have no personal connection here).
an interesting article all the same. now all they need to do is start listening to Prussian Blue albums.
January 12, 2009 @ 12:01 pm | Comment
By yourfriend
Really no different from most of the anti-China groups anywhere else, like the far-right Japanese and Americans.
They are just lest subtle and more honest about their intentions.
January 12, 2009 @ 1:32 pm | Comment
By ecodelta
Trying to use a guilt by association yourfriend?
January 12, 2009 @ 2:57 pm | Comment
By ecodelta
After reading the article what comes to my mind is, yet another result of a warped education and restriction to information. In this case from the soviet union.
It is mighty curious to see those grand words about brotherhood of people in former communist block have resulted in the end.
That great project about creating a new human being was no more than empty words.
What those regimes achieved was like putting people freezer for +40 years. After that time, after defreezing them, they have not improved at all and not a few instances changed to the worst.
Now is possible to find more new nazis east of the former iron curtain than the other way around. Strange twist of history
January 12, 2009 @ 3:07 pm | Comment
By Kellen
@yourfriend: nor is it any different than any of the anti-japanese/korean/minzu/foreigner sentiments in china. you’ve done an excellent job at missing the point at any rate.
January 13, 2009 @ 12:23 pm | Comment
By yourfriend
the difference is, those few anti-korean/foreign chinese aren’t jumping any bandwagons.
January 13, 2009 @ 2:58 pm | Comment
By pug_ster
These same Nazis are probably looking for the 2nd coming of Genghis Kahn.
January 13, 2009 @ 11:32 pm | Comment
By Xyp
ok im mongolian yes we have nazi symbol but the symbol means respect pury.honor.leadership so yes we keep down china down for 100d of year or more.
yes we hate them cause they think they can take over.yes we always kick their ass in anything
June 13, 2009 @ 7:36 am | Comment
@Yourfriend – Yeah, I seem to remember a bunch of people marching through Chinese cities a few years ago shouting “death to the Japanese” and smashing the windows of Japanese restaurants. Of course, this just shows what patriots they are.
Meantime, here in the UK the British National Party have just won their first European parliament seats, by coming in at 4th place in a proportional representation vote in two regions on a 35% turn-out, but still, they netted about 17% of the vote in the north-east. Political extremists exist everywhere.
June 14, 2009 @ 5:41 am | Comment
By traveler
“ok im mongolian yes we have nazi symbol but the symbol means respect pury.honor.leadership so yes we keep down china down for 100d of year or more.
yes we hate them cause they think they can take over.yes we always kick their ass in anything”
Bullshit. Xyp, Mongolia is a country because we say so. China could very easily own your lazy asses. China’s standing army is about half of Mongolia’s population.
Mongolia is an independent country because the UN allows it. There are a lot of Western mining companies in Mongolia, mostly Canadian and Australian, that don’t want Mongolia to be part of Russia or China.
That is why Mongolia is an independent country. We could very easily own your lazy, backwoods country. Actually, you should beg Russia to take over your country. Mongolia was much better off when the Russians were in charge.
July 26, 2009 @ 1:45 am | Comment
Traveler’s wrong here, Mongolia declared independence in late 1911. And all of the countries in the world assures it, only because UN allows a country to be independent, doesn’t mean it is. Then why can’t UN allow Tibet to be independent? Why not let it be free? See, now calling Mongolia “lazy ass” or whatsofuckingever, mind yourselves china! Almost the whole world knows how dirty you are, and how you brutally kill street dogs in public for food, what disgusting and disturbing insects you eat ect. ect. ect.
Now it is wrong to say “Nazi Symbol” it is called Swastika, a schematic picture of the galaxy, meaning goodluck and well being, in Buddhism/Hinduism. It is very important in the way of meaning good things in countries like India, Mongolia, Japan, even in Egypt. So why say “Nazi-worshiping?” Grab and read a history book before you post a bullshit article.
August 22, 2009 @ 6:06 am | Comment
By afiq
That’s kind disturbing or should i say dumb? I remember reading article about mongolian nazi in TIME magazine,i always thought chinese communist propaganda is annoying but this?Oh well as if everyone care most foreigner can hardly locate mongol on the map
September 3, 2009 @ 10:33 pm | Comment
By B
You know, most of the people of the world don’t know Mongolia, it is true. Mongolia is not a developed country. But chinese communist bastards try to get Mongolia under their control everytime. And they always make some dirty works (like dismissing the land of Mongolia from the world map etc) to express their fucking idea. But, I wanna say one thing, communists from china never gonna get Mongolia under their control, it is a dream, a hollow dream which is never gonna be achieved.
February 4, 2010 @ 2:37 pm | Comment
I have lived in China for two years. The Mongolian’s have good reason to hate and fear the Chinese. You in the West will learn too late when the World Economy suddenly Shifts away from the US and the EU towards China.
So keep up your ‘PC’ beliefs and the Chinese will quietly take over the world with all their racism and anti-foreign hatred intact and their Military Communist goverment.
I am from the US and I fully support the Mongolian anti-Chinese movement.
August 23, 2010 @ 1:24 pm | Comment
By merp
Yes, China is so racist that it has 0 anti-foreign hate crimes
August 24, 2010 @ 3:29 am | Comment
By Mike Goldthorpe
“Yes, China is so racist that it has 0 anti-foreign hate crimes”
Doesn’t that depend on how they were reported?
August 24, 2010 @ 6:18 am | Comment
By Mike Goldthorpe
So easy to have 0 anti-foreign hate crimes….simply deny and let the censors do their work 😉
August 24, 2010 @ 6:25 am | Comment
By Jeremiah
I’m not sure why we’re reopening an 18-month old thread…oh yeah, because Merp is a freak. But Merp/Ferin’s claim is as laughable and intellectual banal as all of his other attempts at joining a civilized discourse.
In fact, in the past couple of years there has been a noticeable increase in the number of attacks on foreigners in China’s major cities as anyone who lives here can readily attest.
We had a student who was jumped in Wuhan just this past spring and another stabbed in front of the university. In neither case was the motive robbery and even the local cops agreed in both cases the attacks were unprovoked. Before, one might have chalked these and other cases up to muggings, but the words reportedly used in some of the attacks, plus the fact that in many other cases no money was taken, suggests a darker and more disturbing trend.
Now Merp would know that if he lived here or really had any connection at all with China, so I can’t fault him for remaining delusional. Hiding out in North American suburbia, sponging off the system, and romanticizing a place in which he’s too scared to live…this all can do that to a person.
By the by, Merp’s response will be to post links to hate crimes in the US, the existence of which is a given. Remember his original point was that there are NO hate crimes in China. His feeble imagination will now attempt a reply which will invariably be some variation of the tu quoque fallacy. He has been proven wrong, as usual, and so he will try to change the subject.
August 24, 2010 @ 6:48 am | Comment
By Richard
Touche, Jeremiah.
August 24, 2010 @ 7:07 am | Comment
By Jeremiah
Sorry Richard for venting, but this is what it’s like:
You’re having a nice dinner with friends and the conversation is great but there’s this lonely drunk guy at the bar who can’t get anyone to notice him and so he just starts randomly blathering to everybody in the place trying to get some attention. They can’t add anything to the conversation because they don’t know anything, all they can do is screech their delusions to the world in a never-ending barrage of mouth farts, propelled by a pathological need to overcompensate for any number of personal failings and foibles…just like our “friend” here.
If they ever calmed the fuck down, read a book or two, and saw conversation as a chance to share ideas and encourage mutual understanding rather than a stage to act out some bizarre Freudian play, they’d be invited to join the table. Not likely to happen though, given what I’ve seen.
August 24, 2010 @ 7:38 am | Comment
By merp
Good to see that none of you have anything to say to the guy I responded to. I take it that means you agree with him.
So easy to have 0 anti-foreign hate crimes….simply deny and let the censors do their work 😉
They didn’t attack any Japanese nationals, troll.
suggests a darker and more disturbing trend.
Maybe the PRC should censor the internet more, that way Chinese citizens won’t find out about hate crimes against Chinese overseas, and retaliate.
Not to mention you have absolutely no proof that these were hate crimes- possibly just random attacks where the thief freaked at the last minute and didn’t take anything. There is no witness to say that the “victims” were not going about with the typical white foreigner-in-Asia swagger and arrogance.
Not that you’d know much about crime considering you live in an ivory tower no matter which region you deem lucky enough to grace with your presence.
August 24, 2010 @ 7:41 am | Comment
By merp
Not in your case, Jeremiah. To you, “conversation” is a platform for you to push your views on everyone else- while using pure thuggery to silence anyone who might detract from your poor attempts at making a point. Then you throw your hands up in the air and play the victim when you are taken to task on your poor arguments.
Nothing new, you are a Westerner after all.
August 24, 2010 @ 7:46 am | Comment
By Mike Goldthorpe
Something this article missed out…
No matter how charming the CCP wants to appear, millions (thousands?) of Chitizens conspire to make everyone view the Chinese as overly nationalistic and intolerant….
August 24, 2010 @ 10:08 am | Comment
By Richard
Merp, you are really pushing it. Compared to your ranting, Jeremiah’s response was far from thuggish. More like overly polite, measured and restrained.
How on earth did this ancient thread get reignited anyway?
August 24, 2010 @ 12:05 pm | Comment
By merp
Time stamp on number 16 is 8-23-10
August 24, 2010 @ 1:29 pm | Comment
By Jeremiah
I’m actually not from the West, I grew up in New England. Why small and sophomoric minds keep dividing a round earth into Eastern and Western binaries is beyond me, perhaps a binary is all their feeble imaginations can comprehend.
Another correction…I am quite thuggish. As are most historians. You should see us rumble with Mongolian Nazi bikers, riding into town brandishing chains and covered in tattoos that say “Born to Archive” and “Thucydides for Life.”
August 24, 2010 @ 1:49 pm | Comment
By merp
I’m actually not from the West, I grew up in New England.
Good one, lol.
Another correction…I am quite thuggish. As are most historians. You should see us rumble with Mongolian Nazi bikers, riding into town brandishing chains and covered in tattoos that say “Born to Archive” and “Thucydides for Life.”
I can just picture you angrily mashing the “block” button 🙂
August 24, 2010 @ 1:53 pm | Comment
By Jeremiah
Oh, no History Thugs don’t get mad, but we are exclusive. When you can put together an argument that doesn’t rely on logical fallacies and can carry on a civilized discussion then maybe you’ll get your intellectual top rocker. Until then, prospect, continue with your warped delusions on the outside.
(And unlike Richard, I don’t have time for people who grovel.)
August 24, 2010 @ 2:43 pm | Comment
By merp
You still have absolutely no proof that any of those crimes were hate crimes.
When you can put together an argument that doesn’t rely on logical fallacies and can carry on a civilized discussion
No logical fallacies here. Plenty of unsubstantiated claims on your side. Sorry, but having your feelings hurt doesn’t mean you win the argument- you’d have better luck with the dead guys.
August 24, 2010 @ 2:52 pm | Comment
By merp
And no one did any groveling, not to say that I’m not incredibly eager to be your one sole commenter.
August 24, 2010 @ 2:53 pm | Comment
By Jeremiah
The police told me, and also put into their report, that they were attacked, that it was unprovoked, and that the attack was because they were foreigners. Proof enough?
Sorry little man…you got caught with your pants down trying to prove a negative.
As for groveling, shall I post some bits from your letter to Richard? If I were uncivil I just might, because it really was pretty pathetic and funny.
For the record:
“Good to see that none of you have anything to say to the guy I responded to.” = Tu quoque
“pure thuggery” = ad hominem
Shall I go on?
August 24, 2010 @ 3:01 pm | Comment
By merp
“The police told me, and also put into their report, that they were attacked, that it was unprovoked, and that the attack was because they were foreigners. Proof enough?”
Now the police told you they were attacked because they were foreigners, soon enough the police will have told you they were attacked by a secret gang of Chinese supremacist thugs we’ve all never heard about. Some historian!
“As for groveling, shall I post some bits from your letter to Richard? If I were uncivil I just might, because it really was pretty pathetic and funny.”
Go ahead. All I was saying was that I was definitely not a Communist. You probably mistook it for something else, since you are prone to limp-wristed, maudlin and neurotic ramblings.
““Good to see that none of you have anything to say to the guy I responded to.” = Tu quoque”
Tu quoque (pronounced /tjuːˈkwoʊkwɛ/,[1] from Latin for “You, too” or “You, also”) is a Latin term that describes a kind of logical fallacy. A tu quoque argument attempts to discredit the opponent’s position by asserting his failure to act consistently in accordance with that position; it
What was the “argument” again? If you accused me of not responding to someone 1 year before responding, I don’t see the post.
““pure thuggery” = ad hominem”
Rather it’s a statement of fact. Meanwhile, you are descending into argumentum ad butthurtium.
August 24, 2010 @ 3:31 pm | Comment
By merp
The police told me, and also put into their report, that they were attacked, that it was unprovoked, and that the attack was because they were foreigners. Proof enough?
I forgot: citation needed.
Anecdotes are not reliable sources. Neither is make believe.
Come back when you can source your claims please.
August 24, 2010 @ 3:37 pm | Comment
By Jeremiah
Spent a little time on Wikpedia, did you? Someday you’ll discover actual books. Until then, you’re quite boring.
You want me to source a police report? It’s not like they publish those online. Besides, why do I care if YOU believe me? I have so much more credibility than you it’s not even worth arguing about. Do you think I care that much about you that I would make something up just to spite you? Why would I do that? You have way overestimated the extent to which I, or anyone, thinks about you.
You see, people not only care what I think about China, they pay me a lot of money to teach other people about it. You on the other hand are awake at 3:30 a.m. trolling somebody else’s site. That is a great gulf fixed.
Face it, you lost. I win. T’was always thus and always thus will be. If you don’t want to believe me, that’s fine. See…this is what it’s all about: I got a great home, smart friends, healthy family, a beautiful wife with her own promising career as a writer and journalist, and my dream job teaching intellectually curious and highly motivated students all about China and Chinese history. My life is way too good to care about losers like you.
Keep stewing in your own venom, I’ll be out dancing.
August 24, 2010 @ 3:53 pm | Comment
By Richard
If no one minds (and even if the do) I’m putting this thread out to pasture. I should have closed in months ago.
August 24, 2010 @ 9:35 pm | Comment