Totally out of it. Back in a couple days.
March 12, 2011
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Totally out of it. Back in a couple days.
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A peculiar hybrid of personal journal, dilettantish punditry, pseudo-philosophy and much more, from an Accidental Expat who has made his way from Hong Kong to Beijing to Taipei and finally back to Beijing for reasons that are still not entirely clear to him…
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By uk visa
Hi Richard
I hope you feel better soon.
March 12, 2011 @ 6:38 pm | Comment
By Mick
The main flu strain currently doing the rounds is actually last year’s H1N1 (swine flu) pandemic influenza. Nothing mild about it – it is actually more severe than usual seasonal flu for most people. Another reason for getting the annual flu vaccine .
Oh and China’s shoo-in nominee to the WHO, Margaret Chan, has shown that she has not learned anything from her mishandling of the SARS outbreak – see NYT
March 12, 2011 @ 7:46 pm | Comment
By Other Lisa
Ugh. So sorry to hear this, Richard! Another good friend of mine got hit with this. No fun. Take it easy, and feel better soon…
And yes. I get the flu shot every year. Not a failsafe but a reasonable precaution IMO.
March 13, 2011 @ 3:02 am | Comment
By HongXing
Headlines of New York Times, if this nuclear reactor crisis is happening in China instead of Japan:
“Chinese Nuclear reactor never built according poor security procedures,
experts say”
“Accusations surface that the Chinese government hid dangers of nuclear
reactor from the public”
“Families of surrounding areas tell their stories of tragedy living near
“After quake, suspicions arise over Chinese nuclear ambitions”
“Chinese military obstructs evacuations from nuclear site”
Some standard sentences:
Chinese state-TV yesterday told the public “not to worry” about reactor
An interview with a local resident reveals…….
Local Chinese officials are tight-lipped and refuse to talk to foreign
March 13, 2011 @ 7:06 am | Comment
By richard
Thanks guys. Not 100 percent sure it’s flu – bad cough, serious headaches, exhaustion but no muscle/joint pain that usually comes with flu. If it is flu I’ll be really unhappy, as that takes way longer to get over than a cold.
March 13, 2011 @ 9:44 am | Comment
By S.K. Cheung
To Red star,
how would it make you feel if some of those same imaginary statements were being said about the Japanese government? Better, or worse? Well guess what? They have been.
March 13, 2011 @ 5:47 pm | Comment
By slim
If this quake/tsunami/nuclear accident had happened in China, the government would expend significant manpower and resources keeping reporters, especially foreign ones but also Chinese, out of the disaster zone.
March 15, 2011 @ 1:43 am | Comment