Please take a moment to visit Global Post, a new site that offers not only significantly above-average reporting on a wide range of topical issues, but that also was kind enough to include me in its aggregator of global bloggers.
When they first asked if they could run my posts on their site I was a bit hesitant. I knew nothing about them, and I’ve always been cautious about associating TPD with other sites. After looking into have a look.
Update: The more I see of this site the more I love it. Forget about some posts of mine showing up on its aggregator. This site rocks, and should be a daily visit for people who want serious news beautifully told, with lots of photos and video and imagination.
By jake
“I’ve always been cautious about associating TPD with other sites.” Hmmm…is that why you accept google ads? With links to escort services and the China Tibet Information Centre?
January 14, 2009 @ 11:31 am | Comment
By Richard
I have no control over the google ads – google’s bots put the ads up based on content of the web page. My including google ads does not affiliate me with google, just as this being a wordpress blog does not affiliate me with wordpress. Do you think I chose to include that Tibet link? Do you know anything about how contextual advertising works?
January 14, 2009 @ 11:36 am | Comment